Setting Goals For The New Year And Being Intentional With Them

New year, new me!” How many times have you seen this on social media already? We are just a few days away from the start of another calendar year. Christmas is barely over and already we are seeing posts about exercising and dieting. Stores everywhere latch on to these most common resolutions people make every year – exercising more and eating right!

And every year, like clock-work, we see these new years resolutions drop off as quickly as they started. Why? Mostly because we set these goals for ourselves and then never follow through. Speaking goals into the universe can only go so far. Wouldn’t it be nice if you said, “I want to lose 15 pounds by summer,” and magically, they were gone by then? Unfortunately, like 99% of everything else in life, it takes hard work and dedication to reach our goals.

If setting goals and being intentional with them is something you struggle with each year *raises our own hands* then here’s a little guide to helping you stay on track.

Setting A Big Goal? Create Smaller Goals To Help You Get There

The hardest thing about goals is that we often set huge ones. Lose 15 pounds by summer. Save up $1400 for a down payment on a car. We know what we want, but not how to get there. Why? Well, these goals are often huge yet we don’t make smaller, more achievable goals to get there. So when we feel overwhelmed with trying to save up $1400 with no game plan, chances, we will just give up.

To stay accountable with your goals, set smaller goals that leads up to that big one. If your goal is to save $1400 by the end of the year, calculate how much money you should put away each month to reach it. Some months may be harder than others, so for this goal you could say, “I’ll aim to put $90-$120 away each month,” or however much you can afford. This gives you flexibility each month, a goal each month, and a great way to reach that end goal.

Setting smaller goals gives you stepping stones, quite literally!

Be Realistic On What Goals To Set

There’s something really refreshing about starting a new year. It’s a new opportunity, a chance to start fresh and leave the past behind. Which is all great, but remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

We all have a tendency to set really big goals for ourselves. But, in order to stay intentional with achieving your goals in the new year, are they all actually attainable? Do you have enough time and resources to be able to complete the smaller goals associated with it? If your goal was to save up that $1400, do you have enough extra cash left over at the end of the month to reach that end goal?

We’re all about setting fantastic goals, but know the importance of staying realistic. When you are realistic with your own expectations, you are less likely to get frustrated with yourself if something goes wrong. Long-term, you can protect your own mental health and prevent anxiety by being honest with what you can accomplish.

Find An Accountability Partner

If you have had trouble keeping your own goals in the past, find someone you trust and know will hold you accountable. Whether this is a spouse, romantic partner, friend, family member, or even a therapist. Anyone who can remind you of the goals you set for yourself and why you are doing them. Someone who can just check in and remind you about them to ensure you are taking the necessary steps to reach them. You may even inspire them and be an accountability partner for their goals, too!

If you are ready to tackle the new year and set realistic goals for yourself, reach out to us so we can be your accountability and support system.


December 28, 2021